Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Apparently, Darth Vader Bee reads my blog.

I come home this afternoon with the same plan as yesterday:  Get changed, sit outside, and enjoy a beverage.  This plan goes completely to hell in a bee-infested handbasket the moment I approach my front door.

Yup.  I am attacked by not one armored asshole bee, but two armored asshole bees.  They are both reasonably pissed off and highly aggressive.  Seems to me "someone" (aka: Dink Bee) has been trash-talking behind my back while I am at work.

It's Cinco de Mayo, that Americanized semi-Mexican holiday, so I'm planning on going out tonight, anyway.  Might as well skip the sunshine and check my email.

This, this exact moment, is when I realize those fucking bees are out to get me.

Their huge shadows cast larger-than-life-could-ever-possibly-be black splotches across the blinds.  Yes, I admit it, even safely inside behind screens and glass and all, I am nervous.  I can hear the angry chatter and see those bees circling the window right where I am sitting ... as if ... as if ...

As if they are stalking me.

Okay, you little fucker-bees, you know what this means.   

This means WAR.

Stay tuned, folks; one of us, possibly two, will be going down.