Friday, March 27, 2015


I’m in a pissy mood today. 

My work printer breaks, I can’t get ahead of the correcting at work, my lunch gets cut short when I am reminded I have a meeting later for which I am somewhat unprepared, I’m trying to check in the backlog of new books to my class library, and I’m having a bit of a shoving match with the administration. 

On top of all this, I just don’t feel well.  I had a massive headache yesterday that is coming back today, I can’t stop sneezing (big sneezes – the kind that even scare the kiddos), and I need to catch up on some sleep.

My lesson plan for the day leaves no down-time, so I’m on my feet all day long.  I’m run down and in no mood for a run in, so when I see the boss in the hallway that separates me from the wing where my classroom is, I try cutting through another way.  Unfortunately, the cut-through circles right back to where my boss is standing.  Just as I walk toward the corner, my boss comes around the same corner, having also used the cut-through.

Making it look like I forgot something, I quickly turn, make a stop at the main door where two of my teammates are chatting, pretend I am part of their conversation, then I dart back toward the original path to take me back up toward my room.

I’m just not up to it.  I’m really not.  We all have those days, and today it’s my turn. 

I make it safely back to my classroom without further incident, fix my printer, get set up for tomorrow, go through some of the work that is piling up on my desk, and consider staying late to check in the library books.

In the end, I opt to come home on time, instead.  Do not pass go; do not collect $200.  After all, tomorrow is a half-day with an entire afternoon of sitting on my ass on a cafeteria bench seat while listening to some speaker drone on and on and on like Charlie Brown’s teacher.  I can probably catch up on my sleep then.

In the meantime, apparently there is no cure for my pissy mood.  I guess I’ll take it with me to the presentation and hope no one asks me to volunteer my opinion lest they actually get it … along with a massive sneeze or two.