Sunday, March 29, 2015


I like finding bizarre holidays to celebrate.  Truly, every day should be a celebration, and lately I haven't felt like I've had very much to celebrate.  Okay, that's not entirely true.  However, work and other pressures are certainly getting in the way on my road to happiness, so I decide to find out what biazzaro holidays happen on this Sunday.

It is during this search that I realize it is Palm Sunday.  Since I don't teach Sunday school anymore, and since I stopped going to church years ago for personal reasons, I completely forget about this.  Oh, sure, I know that this is Holy Week and that it's Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, then Easter.  For some reason I cannot explain, I space out about Palm Sunday, though. 

I feel a little guilty about this, so I start wondering what other holidays today holds that I've managed to miss.  This brings me to the following important March 29th holidays and events:

1.  National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day -- We celebrate small businesses owned by families

2.  Festival of Smoke and Mirrors -- Honoring things that are not what they seem to be

3.  National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day -- Celebrating Lemon Chiffon Cake's invention

Wait.  Lemon chiffon cake needs a national holiday?  Apparently so.  I do a little research.  Turns out some guy named Harry Baker invented this cake in the 1920's, sold the recipe to a restaurant, then guarded the original recipe for twenty years like it was the first edition Declaration of Independence.  After two decades, he suddenly decided to sell the recipe to General Mills.

The amazing part of this story is not that lemon chiffon cake is wonderful; personally, I couldn't give two shits about it.  It's not special that a man invented it, nor that he sold the original idea to a local restaurant.  What is amazing about this holiday is that a man actually managed to keep his fat mouth shut and resist chest-beating for twenty whole years, protecting the integrity of lemon chiffon cake.

If only men treated women like the recipe for lemon chiffon cake (guarded with love and passion), the world might be a better place.  Oh, well.  We'll always have the Festival of Smoke and Mirrors, if all else fails, which many men celebrate daily, anyway.  ;)