Tuesday, March 31, 2015


"Hear ye, hear ye.  It hath been decreed that a medieval mixture of onions, garlic, and cow bile doth cure everything from a stye in thine eye to the superbug MRSA.  Take heed, ye serfs and ye other lowly!  Medicine hath just reverted one thousand years."
Okay, modern medicine may have its marvels and miracles, but it still fascinates me when old-school, blatantly heathen remedies are used with success at the hospital level. 


C-Diff got you down and out?  The hospital can now transplant someone else's crap (and by crap I do, indeed, mean crap) into your butt, and, if you're lucky and still sane after the procedure, voila ... new bum for you!

What about leeches?  There are times when leech therapy is effective and necessary.  Of course, I cannot think of any time that would be appropriate for me, but I'm saying possibly for some people.  Maybe.  Yuck.

Now it seems that the superbug MRSA might be conquerable, and all we need is some cow spew and garlic with a dash of onion.  I can see it now:  research students and medical staff alike will run out into fields, prepped and ready for a day of fact-gathering.  Instead, they are handed buckets and told to go forth and gather cow bile. 

I can hear it now.  SPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCHEEEEEEEEE. " Goddamnit, Kent, you messed up another batch by stepping in the sample again.  Stay the frig away from the cows!"

As weird as it sounds, though, I am fascinated by this story.  Oh, and somewhat creeped out; I'm not going to lie.  The good news is your MRSA will clear up.  The bad news is you'll have an undeniable urge to eat hay and poop cow-patty-sized piles in open fields.