Sunday, October 12, 2014


So .. I guess I waited too long to buy a ticket for the tournament – you know, the one I’m going to Sunday but couldn’t buy a ticket to on Friday because apparently the idiots in charge do not understand how the Internet can continue to work … right up until the time the event is over.

I hope that I can purchase a ticket at the gate (and park on site) because I have food for the event and I’m there to take pictures.  I’m not the official photographer or anything like that, but I am the one who updates the laxpower site’s photos for the team … except that laxpower’s Internet Gremlin quit last season and took the secret info of how to post to the website with him.

Really.  What is wrong with people?

Which brings me to the good news.  We have, or had, a tech gremlin at school. 

This is the tech gremlin who used to teach French in Chicago but got hired because one of our old lady techs (who can’t fix anything except her bra straps, and even that is questionable) met him at a conference and thought he was a cute little young thing, so she brought him home to Massachusetts like a frigging stray red-headed rat on vacation in quaint New England from the big city.  This is the tech gremlin who treated us like children, would clap at meetings to get our attention, and if we ignored him, he’d yell, “Let’s try that again, everyone!”  (Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap!)  This is the tech gremlin who invited us to “playdates” instead of “meetings.”  This is the tech gremlin who didn’t know that computers ran applications (“Aren’t those only on iPhones?”) but was hired to run our entire district because he “likes iPads.”  This is the tech gremlin who screamed at us, “I got 1600 emails and then hit refresh and got 600 more!”  (Um … not from the staff, you didn’t, you lying sack of strawberry blond poop.)

Anyway … the good news is .. the tech gremlin self-destructed.  He lied his way into the job and hit head-on a staff of extremely tech savvy workers.  Even I, the technologically challenged dumb-nut of the group, managed to set up others’ computers, printers, Smartboards, and video equipment.  I mean, if I can do it, any village idiot can do it. 

Except our professional tech gremlin.  The guy we fired two teachers for and reduced two other teacher’s hours for.  Mr. Fucktard.

So even though I am apparently not tech-savvy enough to purchase a ticket online to a lacrosse tournament that is still, or was at the time, 48 hours away, I guess I still am smarter than the average techie.  I’ll show up at the lacrosse field “old-school” – you know, cash in hand – and hope that someone, anyone at all, still knows how to do business the old-fashioned way:  Face to face.