Sunday, April 12, 2015


Tonight some friends and I are going to a fundraiser trivia night.

Prepping this week has been very lackadaisical. The group of us are all about being relaxed and not worrying too much about who's driving, where we'll meet, what table we'll sit at, and all of those kind of logistical details.  Yup, we are the definition of laid-back.

Until a few hours before show time.

You see, we take our trivia very seriously.  Oh, sure, we pretend we're all about the fun, but, truth be known, we are sharks when it comes to attempting to devour the competition.  Take the food, for example. We have to bring our own food tonight.

With about three hours to go, we are separately perusing the grocery stores and local take-out places, gathering our brain-food weaponry:  fruit, cheese, crackers, pound cake, chicken fingers.  None of the bowls full of candy shit for us.  No bags of chips thrown in the middle of the table waiting for a free-for-all.  We are ready for battle mentally and physically.

I'm not really sure how we'll do tonight.  We might need a better age range to cover all of our trivia bases.  However, in the food department, we are the experts.  Even if we score low in points for knowledge, we'll score high in points for nutritional preparedness.

Now, if someone would just stop and get that bowl full to the brim with chocolate, I think we'll have it all wrapped up nicely.