Friday, April 3, 2015


I get home late tonight and cannot get up my own street to my house that is maybe fifty yards from the intersection.  After all of my touting of Holy Week, I arrive and forget that it’s Holy Week.  The Maundy Thursday crowd is blocking my right of ingress.

I should know this by now.  This happens every Holy Week … and Easter Sunday and Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve and Christmas and all through First Communions (of which there seem to be hundreds held at this one church). 

Oh sure, the church has its own parking lot; two, actually.  But no one wants to park in the lots in case someone blocks him in, leaving nowhere to park except my street, which sits adjacent to the near-empty lot.

Being the patient person I am (so lying here), I zoom at the cars coming down the street, quickly veer back into my lane after passing the absolute asshole who is parked facing the wrong direction in the middle of the road. 

Absolute frigging asshole.

And that’s me being nice on account of the fact that I remember it’s a church night.  Any other night and I probably would still be outside having a pissing contest with the idiot. 

I know, I know: It’s Holy Week; I am so going to Hell.

First of all, I’m not the one who parked like an asshole.  Secondly, these drivers all have a parking lot 100 yards away that is perfectly suitable for their uppity vehicles.  Thirdly, get … the … fuck … out … of … my … way.  Now.

It may not be the Christian Way, but it’s my way and I live here and I’m tired and I’ve had a long day and I have no patience left.  However, it is, after all (or will be at posting time), Good Friday.  I’ll forgive them with the understanding that their vehicles and my vehicle will probably never meet again.  Go forth and be a jerk, and I will rise above it.

They, on the other hand, will always be ass clowns, and maybe that’s the true lesson here.