Thursday, November 5, 2015


I'm going to be honest: I don't get it.  I don't.  I do not understand.

I do not understand how a capitalist democracy, a republic of freedom that once was the United States, is even allowing the world "socialism" to enter its vernacular.

What ... the ... fuck.

If you're a socialist, go to a socialist country.  Go live in Canada or Finland or China. Those are lovely socialist countries.  We are not socialists here.  We are a republic of liberty, or were until Congress and some citizens started voting themselves money from the treasury or sold their voting rights to corporations and banking institutions.

Let's talk about this pseudo-monarchy.  How about the king and his lords of Congress?  (Not just this king, either.)  I don't understand it.  Where is the outrage?  Congress members are getting paid more than enough to pay for their own offices, cars, meals, and air fare.  It's part of the job.  Why are we footing those bills, too?  And their healthcare.  And, good god, their retirement plan, their office redecorating, their clothing, their staff, their parties, their champagne, their damn skivvies and the cleaning costs to get the brown out of them.  How about if the queen, like the recent queens before her, buys her own clothes like the rest of us.  Would that be so fucking much to ask?  We pay enough for her massive security detail -- I'm sure she can get to the mall without being shot.

What the fuck.

Where?  Where is the outrage?

What has happened to my country when the choices for president are murderers, liars, tax cheats, socialists, and people who believe Michael Brown and Brucelyn Jenner are heroes?

I don't want a Democrat in office.  I don't want a Republican in office.  I don't want an Independent, Libertarian, Green Party, Peace Party, Tiger Lily Party, Orgami Party, or any of the other charlatan groups out there waving their banners across this once-great country.  I want someone who believes in America and who believes in Americans and who isn't terrified to say "DEMOCRACY" without having a race card or a gender card or an entire deck of "politically correct" bullshit cards thrown down.

Socialism?  Really?  What are we -- the fucking Bolsheviks?

Wake up, people.  This country has flushed itself down the crapper.  Yes, I am already sick of political commercials.  One more year of this?  This country is going to implode.