Thursday, November 26, 2015


Today I am one of the seven million (or so) people who are traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday. I am dragging my youngest along with me, traipsing up the highway with our pumpkin bread, pumpkin butter, and hoping to have an uneventful ride.

If I know me, I'll be the root cause of some craziness -- something that will embarrass my sister/hostess in front of her family.  One year I made fart noises with my jeans by twisting my butt in her freshly polished dining room chairs.  Another time I sat at the kids' table and instigated general mayhem.  Okay, last year that happened.  Last year I sat at the kids' table.

My sister and her husband are unbelievable cooks.  They prepare dishes for the meal that are so elaborate and wonderful that I cannot even pronounce the names of the recipes.  If it's anything more complicated than turkey, mashed potatoes, squash, and cranberry sauce (jellied, not whole berry), I know I'm in trouble.  I have been practicing my enunciation wall week:  "Pahdon-nay moi, but do you haaaave any Greyyyyy Pouponnnnn.....?"  Seriously, though -- I am going to eat like a czarina at my sister's house.

As for the rest of it, HAPPY THANKSGIVING.  Let's do it all over again next November.