Friday, January 30, 2015


I feel stupid leaving work with a coat on today when we are dismissed at noontime.  Oh, sure, we have to go back tonight for conferences, but when we leave in the middle of the day, it is gloriously warm.

Yup.  It's 28 degrees and feels like late spring.  This is an illusion, of course.  It's still damn chilly out, but compared to the -4 degrees it is when I arrive at work, this change of 32 degrees in mere hours is like the coming of a whole new season.

Since we have a few hours in between, a couple of us head out to lunch, shedding our coats, hats, and gloves.  If it weren't for three feet of snow blanketing the ground, we might be up for a picnic.  Instead we opt for nachos with pulled pork --a stingy amount of meat, but we can't be choosers as this is the second stop because the first stop lost power just as we pulled into the lot.

We are not the only teachers in attendance.  Several surrounding districts are still out of work because the blizzard snow removal hasn't been completed yet, but people are stir-crazy.  An hour so and many laughs later, we are ready to go.  There are still a few hours to go before conferences, so I have time to run home and pretend to get work done (I don't), but this small break in the day has done much to restore our moods.

The sun is shining, the company is good, and the air is warm-ish. I'm almost ready to go back to work tonight, but, like today's temperatures, I'm feeling this also may be an illusion.