Tuesday, December 23, 2014


‘Twas the day before school break
And all through the class
Not a student sat calmly,
Not a one on his/her ass.

The teachers were nestled
Each one at a desk
Eating baked presents:
Some sweet – some grotesque.

I looked at my scarf and
I looked at my coat,
The day almost over,
I tried not to gloat.

When out in the hallway
There arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see
What was the matter.

I smacked my own forehead,
And said, “What a shocker!
It’s pre-vacation time
To clean out each locker.”

Then it came time
To the gym we did go
So we could enjoy
The school holiday show.

The band and the chorus,
And many more features,
Including The Twelve Days
Performed by the teachers.

“I won’t go up there,”
I laughed through my belly.
“Make an ass of myself?
No way in hell-y!”

Though I like watching,
It’s apparent to me
That there’s some other place
Most of us would rather be.

Then the bell sounded
And all the dismissals
Sent kids through the halls
Like they’re humanoid missiles.

And I hear them exclaim
As they run and they cheer,
“Happy holidays, Teacher,
We’ll see ya next year!”