Thursday, December 4, 2014


Cake.  Yup, I love cake.

I really like it when a birthday happens at work because there's usually cake.  Sometimes I work at my desk right through lunch, but if I know there's going to be cake, I'm down in the faculty room pretty much before anyone else.

The best, though, is the surprise birthday lunch.

The other day I went to the lunchroom just to get away from all the work I was trying to do.  I walked in, spotted an open seat at the long table, and... noticed a giant round cake in the center of it all.


It was someone's birthday and a woman with whom I work brought in cake.  It was vanilla cake with tons of sugary-sweet frosting, and it had small chocolate mint patties on top.

It ... was .... awesome!

I wish someone at work had a birthday once a week ... heck, every single day.  (That would require much more staff, but still.)  That way I could have cake every single work day.  What on earth could be better than cake every single day?  I know, right?

Cake -- it's not just for breakfast anymore. 

Happy birthday, everybody because I really do love cake.