Friday, December 12, 2014


If all goes well -- If the creek don't rise and there ain't no meltdown -- I am going to the Bruins vs. Blackhawks hockey game.  I won't be home in time to write and post a blog, but I've managed to post every day, and I'm not about to stop now.

So ... I'm going to light a firecracker and run.

These asshole kids (Are they yours?  If they are, you SUCK as a parent.) at Harvard and other "fine" institutions ... these morons are insisting that final exams be delayed because they were exercising their right to protest what they see as injustices.

I'll tell you what.  I am protesting your inability to read a calendar and plan accordingly.  You're fucking tools.

You know why? 

Because not everyone gets a trophy, that's why.  Because you learn to live with the consequences of your actions, that's why.  Because you take personal responsibility, that's why.  Because you have to stop expecting the entire world to stop what it's doing so it can bend over and kiss your royal ass, that's why.

If you were my children, I'd be goddamned humiliated to even claim you.  You're wussies.  You are what is wrong with the world today.  You are the "Gimmes" who think protesting in the street for a cause makes you somehow sainted, anointed, forgiven.

Get your goddamn lazy, sorry asses to your classes and take your final exams.

You are the most pretentious bunch of assholes to ever walk American soil.  Imagine where we'd be if the founding fathers and the proud protesting patriots pulled this shit?

Go back to school.  Go directly back to school.  Do not pass Go; do not collect $200.

This is life, and you've already failed.