Monday, November 24, 2014


We are studying irony in class right now.  We have actually been witnessing irony happening right before our eyes.

For example, there is a substitute who is a former teacher at our school.  Last year his three-year contractual position ended.  We figured he’d move on to greener pastures, but he hangs around and hangs around and hangs around.  A few weeks ago he just appeared sitting at a student desk while I was teaching.  I announced to the class, “Dude, you’re like a cockroach.  Every time I turn on the lights, there you are.”  I was using this sub as an example of irony recently when all of a sudden he appeared, yet again, in my class. 

In this one exchange, the class got to see all three kinds of irony in action:  Verbal irony because we were talking about him and … BOOM … there he was; Situational irony because we didn’t really want him there nor need him there and … BOOM … there he was for no good reason (he was supposed to be teaching another class in another wing of the building) the exact minute we spoke his name; Dramatic irony because we were all in on the joke and he wasn’t, like the audience being aware of something of which the character himself is ignorant.

Somehow this same class got talking about the flu shot, and one of my students proudly announced, “I NEVER get the flu.  I’m never sick!”  The next day?  Absent.  Reason?  Sick. 


The best one has to be the approaching Thanksgiving, though.  For once, I am not cooking.  I’m going to a restaurant, one that’s not close to my house but an hour’s drive away.  I decide that this is the year I will not be sitting in my house cooking my arse off only to forget to wrap up leftovers and desserts for people, ending up with way too much food and way too many pounds attaching themselves to my hips.  Yup, this is the year I’ll go out and let someone else cook and clean and pack up leftovers.

Get ready for it; here it comes --  It … is … supposed ... to … snow … on … Thanksgiving.

From the sounds of it, the atmosphere just might drop a Nor’Easter on us.  Now, I’ve made fun of the weather people a lot.  I am constantly tattling on them for their histrionics and their Doomsday forecasts, and then we get nothing, or next to nothing.

Watch us get nailed with snow Thanksgiving afternoon so I can’t get to my dinner reservations. 

You know it’s going to happen.  You know this kind of stuff only happens to me.  You know if Mother Nature and the meteorologists can all get together and kick me in the proverbial rear-end, they’re going to do it. 

It’s okay, though.  I’ll just use it as another one of my teachable moments.  How ironic would that be?