Sunday, September 4, 2016


Back on the wine trail finally after suffering with the plague for three weeks.  I almost forget what it feels like to be healthy.  So much for my summer break - I'm just healthy enough to go back and have the germy children breathe all over me.

It's okay, though.  I'm ready.  I heard that alcohol wards off bad germs, so I'm back at the wine tastings.

Recently I've touted whites; I've touted reds.  Today I have a very strong white wine contender and a very strong red blend contender.  In the end, though, I am quite surprised to see a Rosé smacking down all the others at the table.

Gobelsburg Gruner Rosé is a 2015 Austrian beauty.  The nose is interesting, a little like honey, without the overpowering scent that a lot of the darker Rosés have.  This Rosé is fruity, citrusy, and a little earthy.  The sommelier claims it "points squarely in the Burgundy direction," and that may well be true.  However, the Gobelsburg Rosé has something that puts it right up there with my favorite, Mapreco:

Fizz.  This Rosé has a touch of fizz.  "Not enough to make you burp," the pourer says, and he is right, but enough to zoom this wine right up to the top of my recommendation list for this week.  Even better, it retails under $10 a bottle.  You can't go wrong, and with a few good weeks of summer left (damn the school calendar ... it's not mid-September yet), this is exactly the kind of wine to keep that summer frame of mind.