Monday, September 12, 2016


I haven't weighed in on the whole athletes sitting out the national anthem thing yet, at least not on this blog, but I am writing this entry on 9/11, and, you know, there is Hallowed Ground in this world, and the sites involved in the 9/11 radical Islamist attacks are amongst them.

So, here's my advice to you overpaid, under-talented pieces of shit athletes: Stand up and shut up and keep your fucking black panther salutes to your goddamned selves, especially on 9/11.

You suck. You're nothing but ignorant multi-millionaire dickwads whose opinions and voices mean nothing.  NOTHING.  Until you put your money where your big fat mouths are, you are nothing but straw men (and women) leaning over bonfires.

Eventually you will crash and burn, and no one will care nor remember you.  No one.

We remember Pat Tillman.  We remember the heroes of 9/11 where skin color didn't matter.  As a matter of fact, the issue of skin color was pretty much nationally resolved until 2008, but that's not my axe to grind, at least not today.

It's September 11th.

Show some damn respect, you damn communist, self-centered, moronic dillweeds.  If you hate America, LEAVE.  Give all your money to your favorite religious or racial charity and get the fuck out.  You may have the right to, oh, pretend to say something important.  You're all talk and no action.  I don't see any of you volunteering or giving back to the community in ways that matter.  Go rebuild Detroit if you care so much about black communities. While you're at it, send some cash to Appalachia, too, or are those poor kids too light-skinned for you to care about?  What about the Native Americans who are once again being screwed by the government?  Do THEIR lives matter?  No?  They're too light-skinned for you, too?

Fuck you.  Stand up, shut up, and keep your damn hand over your heart.  The national anthem isn't your protest song; it's America's rallying cry.  You want to protest?  Go distribute cash to your causes and give time and education and sponsorship to schools and neighborhoods.  Stop being useless show-offs and respect something beyond your fame and fortunes.

It might be your right to be an asshole, but it's my right to tell you so.  Be an asshole any other day you want, but don't be an asshole on 9/11.  That just makes you look even dumber and phonier than you already are.  You don't care about America or blacks or whites or anyone but yourselves.

Too bad, because you're doing it wrong.  With the platform you  have, you're doing it so, so wrong.  We don't support you; we dismiss you.  For all of our sakes, if you're going to sit down, then please just stay down, and put some duct tape over your mouth while you're there.  Actions speak louder than your empty words.  For the love of this country, SHOW us, don't TELL us.  If you're not willing to do that, just ... go ... away.