Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Okay, okay.  It has been a wonderful summer.  Best weather we've had in decades.  Hot days and warm nights that feel like they'll never end.

Yup.  Never. end.  Never. Neeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrr.

Honestly, I am damn tired of having my air conditioners running.  I'm ready for some fresh air and cold nights.  I'm ready for some frost on the windows.  I'm ready for fall flowers and pumpkins and hot chocolate.

Of course, the sun going down earlier doesn't make me very happy.  The end of lazy days at the beach doesn't make me happy.  I'm going to miss the ease of leaving the house within seconds of deciding to go out because all I need to put on are flip-flops. 

Yup, I'll miss summer in a way that one misses company that has overstayed its welcome.  Please, though, bring on sweatshirt weather.  Please let me wear socks again.  Please help me step outside without drenching my own body in sweat as if I am stewing myself.

Autumn isn't that far off.  I'm ready.  I love you, Summer, but I need a break.  I know, I know; you'll throw this blog in my face when I'm freezing my butt off in January, but right now I need some New England color and some New England cooling.

God willing, I'll see you next summer, Summer, but until then, I'll say this as nicely as possible: Take a hike, dude; it's time for a change.