Saturday, September 24, 2016


Come on, Bertuccis; man up.  Seriously.

I shouldn't have to ask for complimentary rolls.  You should GIVE the COMPLIMENTARY rolls to everyone who orders food.  That's what makes something that is complimentary ... complimentary.

I decide to order a Silano pizza because I really like Silano pizza and also because it's deep into September and it's still damned hot and humid, so I don't want to cook anymore.  I'm not going to cook until I can safely do so without melting sweat into the food.

When I go to pick up the pizza, I park along a side street, coincidentally where my daughter lives.  I try to park incognito so I don't disturb her.  It doesn't work.  She and a friend are out for a walk and see my car.  They knock on my closed passenger window (closed because I have the air conditioner blasting to stave off the hot, humid 84 degrees outside), and they scare the shitolsky out of me.

This particular Bertuccis is a little hole in the wall restaurant, so the front counter is pretty much also the kitchen, the order counter, and the waitstaff staging area.  I'm watching it all as I wait for my turn with the cashier.  Finally, I get my pizza.

"Um, do you have any rolls?" I ask.  I know damn well they have rolls.

"Oh, you want rolls?"

No, I asked because I don't want any rolls.  Doh.  Of course I want rolls.  "How much are they?"

The cashier smiles.  "They're complimentary!" he says cheerfully.

Yes.  Complimentary.  Now, wrap some of those puppies up for me, dude.

He has to forage through three different wire bins, and I watch him go from one to the other to the next, pulling back the warming towels and rooting around.  Finally, he returns with a paper bag of rolls.  I take my Silano pizza and the bread booty back to my car.  My daughter is nowhere in sight. 

Truly, though.  Come on, Bertuccis.  Complimentary rolls are complimentary rolls.  I shouldn't have to ask for them.  Do you have to give them to everyone?  No ... but you should.  You should at least ask, "Do you want rolls with that order?"  I mean, your pizza is good, but it's not $20 a pie worth of good.  Cough up the damn rolls and don't make me work for them. 

It's just good business, my friends.