Saturday, February 28, 2015


I know I’m having one of “those weeks” when I’m driving to work wearing my Friday casual jeans and suddenly I panic:  It is Friday … right?!

My work-week ends with my cell phone waking me up in the morning.  Good thing I set it as a back-up alarm because I totally space out and forget to set my regular alarm.  I claw my way through a slumberous fog to the sound of Calypso-like music, techno-steel drums and marimbas, clanging me into consciousness.

Thank goodness I showered last night before going to bed.  This morning all I have to do is wash my hair, slop on some make-up, and find clean casual-Friday clothes.  Since I wake up a little later than usual, and since I am tired of my static-filled hair contributing to the multi-shock conditions in my classroom, (okay, and since I’m frigging lazy as all shit this morning,) I pull my hair back into a ponytail rather than attempt to wash and style it.

Hair looks decent, I am wearing a newer pair of stylish hiking boots (“stylish” meaning “not suitable for hiking outside ever”), and I’m in my recently-laundered jeans.  I leave a few minutes early, and I actually have time to spare.

Good thing because everyone decides that today is the day to drive like a decrepit jerk.  Jackass rushes out in front of me near my house and almost kills me with his sedan, Smartass rolls through the stop sign and pulls her slow piece of shit SUV right in front of me while never once getting off her cell phone for safety’s sake, and Dumbass tools along down main street ahead of my car and decides that today is the day to drive 28 mph in a 45 mph zone.

I finally break free about two miles from work, and this is when the panic attack hits me.  It is Friday … right?!

Red Rider’s only hit song Lunatic Fringe, which I have been blasting at outrageous decibels, ends, so I turn the volume down to a tolerable level and start to wonder if maybe I should turn around and get into regular work clothes.  I mean, the week started with the Beanpot hockey tournament in Boston, involved a college lacrosse game two hours west of where I live, and I am fresh back from a week-long work break after so many snow days that I don’t even know what month it is anymore, let alone the day of the week.

Is it Friday?  Shit, what the hell day is it, anyway?  Oh, crap.

Just when I suspect that I have fallen into my own lunatic fringe, the announcer’s voice excitedly proclaims, “Thank god it’s FRIDAAAAAAY!”

Thank god, indeed, because I’m wearing my damn jeans today, and I am more than ready for this week to be over.  If I can just make it through a few more hours of lunacy, the weekend can begin … finally.