Thursday, February 12, 2015


Sunny day
Sweeping the clouds away
On my way
To where the air is sweet
Can you tell me
How to get
Off this goddamned 
Snow-covered street...

Hi, kids.  Today's blog is brought to you by the letters B and S and by the number 4.

B stands for beach, which is where I long to be.
B also stands for bitch, which is what Mother Nature is.

S stands for summer and sand and swimming.
S also stands for snow and shovel and shitstorm.

B and S together stand for bull and shit ... bullshit, which is what this weather and winter have become.

4 is for the number of months left until our sanity returns.  Sanity; another word that starts with the letter S.

Thanks for watching today.  Tune in tomorrow when Big Bird is going to be the only one on Sesame Street left with his head above the snow line.