Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Finally the digging out can begin.  No, not the snow; my spare room/office.

I start the process on Monday, but I have to stop in order to do two very important things: watch the final two episodes of the mini-series Pride and Prejudice for the umpteenth time (Colin Firth is the best damn Mr. Darcy in the history of acting, and I’m not a Colin Firth fan) and shovel another foot of snow that has fallen outside with no logical place to put it all (except over the fence into the new neighbor’s yard when he’s not looking). 

Tuesday school is cancelled yet again.  A delay would be spectacular, but I’m stuck with another snow day.  This means that I will be teaching until it’s too hot to function normally; summer will leave me behind. This horrible thought weighs on me much like the weight of the snow on the front door overhang that I cannot reach, so it will probably fall down and kill me as I try to open the door sometime before spring arrives.

Perhaps I can finish the task I start Monday and truly get the spare room/office turned around.  Sitting in one corner is a stack of sewing that has been waiting for me forever.  Blocking the sewing machine are boxes of family pictures that relatives have been waiting years to see.  In the opposite corner hides the remainder of my thesis that needs to get published somewhere, somehow.  Carefully tucked into a plastic bin is a fat file full of half-completed manuscripts also waiting for closure.  Meanwhile, hundreds of books sit on the shelves, patiently beckoning me to read them.

Oh, I intend to get the spare room/office done, that is until I remember that I need to print out tax information and paycheck stubs and college payments I made in 2014 to finish that damnable thesis in the first place.  I do use my evening wisely gathering this important documentation.  I do get the Christmas file folder organized, and the two drawers of holiday tags, bags, and leftover miscellany completely redone. 

The bed in the spare room/office is almost cleared off to be made up with fresh linens.  I could do that right now if it weren’t for my sudden lack of motivation.  Well, that and a sudden hot flash, so I need to relax in front of the fan for a few minutes.  Part of me is afraid if I make up the bed right now, I might crawl into it and hide under the covers until the weather changes (if it ever does). 

Truly, it’s not so bad.  I can walk through the room, and, if company were to come, it could be snapped back into shape in very little time.  If I were to die suddenly (I would be shocked, saddened, and quite miserable), at least the files and books and Christmas gift tags are organized enough not to confuse my heirs. 

This digging out stuff isn’t so bad, but, like the driveway full of snow outside, it must be done, and it must be done before it blocks me in and prevents me from progressing.  So, Tuesday, you damn snow day, this digging out is for you and my spare room/office.  As long as I don’t find another mini-series on television that I have to watch right this moment, we might be able to make it through without killing each other.