Friday, February 13, 2015


Lacrosse was supposed to start this weekend, but with the Arctic chill and more snow in the air, the game has been postponed.  I'm ready.  I already bought the red plastic cups.

The small snowfall today on top of the feet we already have (and the major snowfall due Saturday) turn my driveway into nothing short of an ice rink.  I need more ice melt and some sand.  I could also use and ice chipper/chopper.  With our New England weather, no store has these items in stock.

I end up at the pet store.  Yup.  The pet store.

The only option I have left now is kitty litter.  I decide on a large bag of non-clumping, multi-cat litter,and by "large bag," I mean a forty-pound sucker crammed full of the stuff.

I have an empty container to fill with the litter, so I haul the bag into the house, eventually dragging it from the front door through the den and into the kitchen.  I need to scoop some litter into the container for handy access, and I also want to put some into plastic bags to store in the cars, just in case.

I eye the bag full of red plastic cups. Oh, well.  No lacrosse game this weekend doesn't mean I can't open the cups and christen one.

This is exactly what I do.

I use a red cup to scoop the poop-stuff into separate containers and bags.  After I finish scooping, I still have about twenty pounds of litter left to put somewhere, so I double-bag it and tuck securely near the garbage can in the kitchen.

I'm ready, Mother Nature.  Bring it.  Bring it good!  

I have cups, and I know how to use them ... in a multitude of ways.