Tuesday, April 1, 2014


April 1st.  April Fool's Day.

I try to research its origins, but the facts are shrouded in mystery.  I check the National Geographic website
because I figure it is a reputable source, but all I get is the run-around, a joke of sorts on myself.  Discovery News carries one of the same stories as NatGeo, the story of the April Fool's origin that is just plain false information.  That site is no help, either.

April Fool's Day is silly.  Not stupid.  Just silly.  And I suppose people should get over themselves and try and laugh.  But I am waiting until some whacko fringe groups to outlaw it as a day of bullying, therefore it must be eradicated because criticizing anyone at all for any reason is against the law, even if it's truthful information.

The kiddos are all ramped up for a day of pranking each other and their teachers.  Sometimes I go along with it; sometimes I'm just tired of it.  And sometimes, fate deals me the perfect hand.

You see, I am supposed to be giving a pop quiz on April 1st, a quiz that the kids already know about.  So much for the pop.  Afterward, they are going to work on a packet of worksheets.  Problem is ... I forgot that information from the worksheet packet also appears on the quiz.


So I wrack my brain  -- How do I backtrack and hold off the quiz, allowing them to complete the packet first?  Do I have them cross those questions off the quiz?  Do I funnel that information to them right before they take the quiz?

Or ...  or ...

Do I call "April Fool" and give the quiz on Wednesday instead?

That's it.  That's the answer!   I don't look like a jerk for making the kids review for the quiz a day early.  As a matter of fact, I might even appear to be brilliant!

It'll be like Ralph's class in A Christmas Story when all the kids have the ridiculous teeth in, thinking they're pulling a joke on poor Miss Shields.  But Miss Shields pulls a fast one on them, instead, and each of them spits their fake teeth into her hand.  Ha ha!  Joke is on the students!

That's it!  I'm going to pull a Miss Shields on their asses today.  They'll think they're pranking me, and I will totally prank them.

Until Wednesday.  They do totally have to take that quiz on Wednesday.