Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I had to rewrite an article four times.  I am still rewriting it close to midnight, and I really need to get to bed because I have a late night of driving after lacrosse tomorrow.

Apparently I don't know how to write a travel article.  I thought it was an objective essay about a place.  Apparently I am supposed to inject myseklf in and tell something I discovered about my trip.

After rewriting the article unsuccessfully three times, I finally decided to scrap the whole frigging thing.

Instead, I found the blog entry I wrote last year about visiting the Museum of Fine Arts with the students, and how I accidentally got a piece of artwork stuck on my head and set off two alarms.  I rewrote that, instead.

Let's see -- that should cover travel (went to the MFA) and it should cover discovery (I'm an idiot who cannot be trusted around priceless masterpieces).

It's late.  I'm tired.  I cannot be trusted to make any other judgment calls tonight.  I sent the frigging thing off to my professor, anyway.  What the hell.  It's my last course.

But .... she IS my thesis advisor.  Oh well.  I guess this is one degree I won't be finishing any time soon. 

PS -- Not going on the field trip to the MFA this year.  Hmmmm, I wonder why?  Security!  SECURITY!!!!