Friday, April 11, 2014


My car's electronic throttle indicator light came on the other day and my car shut down right in the middle of rush-hour traffic on route 28.  Ironically, I managed to steer my dying Dodge into the lot of a Honda dealer.  Eventually I got it started and got it to the correct dealer.

The repair falls under the warranty, and, after a series of stupid mistakes by HERTZ ("How are WE supposed to know there are things wrong with OUR rental cars?"), I get my car back.

The only problem is my entire car has been reprogrammed.  The car no longer beeps when I lock it remotely, the car door locks do not automatically set at 30 mph, and when I open my door, all the doors unlock.

The service rep says I can bring it back and have it reprogrammed.

Why the fuck should I?

Why didn't they fix it right in the first place?

Who said they could dick around with my settings?

Okay, so I cannot really complain because it's all covered under warranty, but still.  It's not the same damn car I bought anymore.

How frigging hard is it to set the car back to its original settings?

And, not for nothing, but might someone who can read a digital clock reset MY clock?  Truly?

I'm surprised they didn't reset all of my radio settings... this time ... again.

I'll let you know if anyone at Hertz and/or the car dealer survives with their heads unstuffed from their asses.  Right now it's not looking very promising.