Monday, March 19, 2018


The weather wreaks havoc on things other than snow and traffic.  Sometimes the barometric pressure changes give me headaches.  This is what happens over the weekend.  This is what causes me to take Sunday as a day to relax.

After popping some Tylenol during the night and again in the morning, I am able to function and enough to run laundry, and I finish reading a book while waiting for the dryer to finish up.  I have some work to do, but I don't really feel like doing it, so I watch a movie on one of the movie channels that I never watch.  It's an indie film, and it sounds interesting.

Turns out the book is pretty good, but the movie sucks.  It sucks so much that I am left with my mouth hanging open, calculating the time I've missed out of my life that I will now never, ever get back after sitting through it.  I run the movie through my mind over and over again -- did I miss part of it, or am I just dumb?  Nope.  The movie totally stunk.

While I am musing on my entertainment choices of the day, I realize that finally after about thirty-six hours, my headache is almost gone.  Not completely, of course, but enough that it is not the central focus of my day any more.

It seems like the impending storm may run itself out over the ocean, but it's not a certainty.  All I know is that two low pressure areas fighting with one high pressure area should figure out what the hell they're going to do because I cannot go through another thirty-six hours of headaches. 

But, if that happens, I have many more books to read, and I'm sure I can find lots more horrible movies to watch.