Saturday, December 3, 2016


My life is reasonably sad when I cannot even beat myself at cell-phone card games. Part of this is because I keep dozing off mid-game.

It's no secret that by the end of the week, my brain is toast.  It's hard enough to keep my eyes open without throwing computer games into the mix, but, for some strange reason, I decide to sit and play games on my phone rather than get to bed.

The end result is that I fall sleep (wherever I am) then open my eyes to discover two things:

1.  I have been playing games, not actually sleeping, so I'm in an awkward place (at the table, on the couch, at my desk, in a chair in the waiting area of the hair salon...) with my finger on the phone's screen;

2.  The finger that is still on the phone screen has been pressing down enough to make the cards advance without me even being aware that I am playing any kind of a game (because I am sleeping).

No wonder I cannot even beat myself at card games.  Apparently, my awake side will start a game while my snoozing side creates mayhem by holding down the "dealer" button, thus eliminating any chance of even remotely getting through the card game, let alone actually winning.

I'd love to write more, but I am obsessed with winning this game of Solitaire on my cell phone, and I keep nodding off and advancing the deck...