Thursday, August 21, 2014


Oh … my … head.  I'm not going to make it.  I'm never going to survive the first week of school.  I know this because I'm already exhausted.

I am taking three days of classes, and the homework (which was NOT specified in advance or I would've ditched) has been brutal.  B-R-U-T-A-L.  I am right now in the process of reading a 76-page technical document, complete with factual crapola and pie-freaking charts and blah-biddy-blah quotes from experts in their field. 

I have one afternoon/evening to read this 76-page report, and I have already fallen asleep four times.  And by "asleep," I mean putting my head down on the kitchen table at 3:15 in the afternoon and going full-out unconscious to the point where I am dreaming.  That kind of "asleep."

I'm only on page 20.

Yesterday's homework was to read through two other such articles, which totaled about 50 pages.  I am also supposed to come up with a lesson plan of some kind to bring with me to the final day of class. 

I thought this was supposed to be a fact-finding mission.  I'm not even getting paid to take this class, but it has clearly been well over the 6-hour time allotment.  Anything over 10, and I'm supposed to get a gold star on my professional development resume.

But this … this is bullshit.

If I can't hack this, how the hell am I going to hack being on my feet for six hours at a clip and correcting mounds of class work and homework when school starts up again?  Oh .. my … head.  I'm going to have to retire.  I'm going to have to claim fatigue.  I'm going to have to put my head down on my desk and take full-on naps during the school day.

Ugh.  Okay, I'm going in.  No, really.  I am going to take my bevy of pink highlighters and attack that fat bastard of a paper pile.  I'm going to slay it, wreck it, take it down.  I'm going to … I'm going … (yawn.) 

I'm going to take a little nap and look at it later.