Saturday, January 19, 2013


Friday is what I like to call "Snot-Freezing Weather." 

It's so cold that the moment I walk outside, my nose seizes up inside as if two little ice rinks have just frozen over so the paramecia that live inside my nose cilia can play hockey.  Wind gusts whip through the work parking lot like they are powered via some Arctic turbine, and the wind chill is well below the current air temperature of 21 degrees.   It feels like -5° F.  The news stations claim it's really only about 14° F.  Either way, it's damn cold outside at the end of the day.
I walk past one of the construction workers as I exit the building.  I am a proverbial yakker, as is one of my sisters, and I will strike up a conversation with anyone.  Once I catch the worker's eye (truthfully, he is in my direct beeline to the car so I almost run him down as I barrel by with attitude along the sidewalk), the following dialogue ensues:

ME:  It's freezing out here!

(Construction Guy makes eye contact, realizes he cannot avoid me, and smiles half-heartedly.  Probably thinking, "Goddamnit, if only I'd walked faster…")

CG:  It's a little chilly.

ME:  I don't envy you guys today!

(Construction Guy walks a little slower, trying to be polite to the middle-aged crazy woman who has a bad hip … Oh wait … that's me.  Frik.)  

ME:  Hey, maybe I DO envy you.  You get to be outside all day in the fresh air with no kids around.

CG:  It's not so bad as long as you dress for the weather.

ME:  Yeah, and have plenty of alcohol in the fridge for when you get home.  No.  Wait.  That would be ME.

CG:  (Laughs -- hey, I must've cracked a joke or else he is humoring me --- shut up and let me live out this fantasy moment, people.)  Have a nice weekend.

ME:  Thanks, you too.

Less than thirty minutes later, the frozen pomegranate margarita is on the counter in honor of Friday, the long weekend, the snot-freezing weather, and Construction Guy.  The hockey-playing cilia paramecia are the only losers in this encounter because the heat is cranking, and, furnace willing, there won't be any snot-freezing weather inside tonight.  Though -- I did see a construction crew at the end of my street digging up the water lines a short while ago.  Hmmmm…. I wonder if they feel like chatting?  (Scene fades out.)