Saturday, January 12, 2013


Today I watched the news --
It really unnerved me:
Another useless scandal,
And another shooting spree.

Another traffic clog up,
Plus the spotting of a moose,
Another random break-in,
And a nut-job on the loose.

The stock market is rolling-
First it's up and then it's down.
But, hey, the Bruins players
Have all come back to town.

The maps say there's nice weather;
But it changed to freezing rain.
You'd think with all that radar
Forecasts wouldn't be a pain.
Finally the health report:
They showed some people cough.
Reporters mentioned colds and flu,
So then I shut it off.

Apparently the only thing
That I can think of quick:
The news that they're reporting
Is making me feel sick.

Maybe by tomorrow
The world just might be sane,
But in the case it isn't,
I'll watch the news again.