Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I'm not making any resolutions, at least none that I haven't been working on for a long time.

I have the usual ones - Try to eat healthier, get to the gym more, not get sick so damn often, not get thrown out of any sporting events at any level (kids to pros)

I have special ones - Not have major bat wings on my arms in my kids' wedding pictures, find two dresses for two weddings that hide my middle-aged belly-bulge, and not choke any co-workers into unconsciousness.

But I'm not holding myself nor anyone else to any major life-changing contracts.  At least not today.

Today it's just nice to wake up in 2013.  Frankly, it's just nice to wake up at all.

I guess that's my resolution: To see you all here, same time, same place, January 1, 2014.

Have a great year, all.