Monday, January 29, 2018


In the last few days I've had so much tea that I'm starting to pee Constant Comment with honey.  I share chicken noodle soup with my similarly cold-riddled son, and I stay in my pajamas all day on Sunday until I shower and get into clean pajamas -- no street clothes in between.

My daughter decides to make chowder today, so she brings me a big container of it.  While she is standing in my kitchen trying to make a quick exit, I immediately open the container, pour the chowder into a large pan, and start heating it up.  Five minutes after she has left my house, I have already inhaled one bowl full of the chowder, and five minutes later the second bowl is gone and the pan is empty.

Thank you to all who've offered me advice on recovering from this cold.  No, I don't have Nyquil nor did I go out to buy any (still in pj's, remember), and no, I'm not staying home from work.  I work in a school -- one less person with germs isn't going to impact anyone, and it's far more exhausting planning from afar and trying to play catch-up.  I have pretty much isolated myself to my room, though, so I'm at least attempting to be considerate.

In the meantime, I'm armed and ready with tissues, and I have plenty of tea and more cans of chicken noodle soup, so I think I'll live.