Monday, January 1, 2018


Oh, great, it comes again:
That horrid time of the year when
I have to think of what to be.
Crap - It's now: New year, new me!

To be sure, I weigh the same -
I won't play that calorie game.
I don't care what I'm wearing;
Not the time to give up swearing.

As if things will change at work;
Thinking so means I'm a jerk.
Haven't written for a while -
My best laid plans are in a pile.

Bills to pay and shit to do,
And borrow this, and IOU,
Files to file and stuff to sort.
The bank account is always short.

And yet I am supposed to plan
Resolutions to expand
My never-ending daily strife
(Implying that I have no life).

So, here's to you, 2018!
Be the best year that I've seen!
I'll try to believe this, I reckon.
(I don't believe me for a second.)

Happy New Year, everyone.
I'll check back in when the year is done.