Saturday, January 20, 2018


Yesterday's blog was about Christmas and how it's all put away.  Well, don't worry.  I'm not going to mention that Valentine's Day is right around the corner.  Nope.  I'm keeping my holidays completely in check. That is why I feel it my duty to destroy and make disappear that Easter-themed Cadbury Cream Egg that I see at the grocery store.

Yup.  If it's too early for Easter, then I will certainly do my part to obliterate the public sector's pressure to "git 'er done."  Seriously.  We have all kinds of Valentine's Day stuff out right now: candy and cards and trinkets.  What about Valentine's Day?  Might it be okay if we just handle one holiday at a time?

So, when I see the Cadbury Cream Egg Easter candies already in the store bin and ready to sell, I grab one, quickly take it hostage, then dispose of it sometime later (when no one is watching). 

I know, I know.  I cannot conquer them all.  There are dozens of Cadbury Cream Eggs in the bin here at the store.  But, I will persevere; I will do my part.  No Cadbury Cream Egg is going to rush my holiday!  I will change the world one Cadbury Cream Egg at a time.

Folks, if you see a container loaded with Cadbury Cream Eggs just randomly passing the time in any store, do NOT fall for the whining.  Text me, call me, FIND ME.  I will conquer the Cadbury Cream Egg problem one sugary fake-yolk at a time.  I took one for the team today; I'd do it again... and again ... and for half-price the day after Easter.

No need to thank me; I'll chase down those eggs like it's my job.