Tuesday, January 30, 2018


After a very long day at work that finishes with an after-school meeting, I still need to hit the bank and the store before going home.  It's later than I'd hoped, though, so I check how much money I have in my wallet: just over $45.  I look at my grocery list; just over $60.

I can live without toothpaste for now if I really, really squish the container, and I can go another few mornings with the last of the straws for my iced coffee.  If I plan and shop well, I can make tonight's dinner last two nights and keep it all on budget.

I opt out of the ten-minute bank stop and head right for the grocery store.

As soon as I walk in, I'm off of my list because the blackberries look really good, and I get one small carton free if I buy one.  Gotta have 'em.  In they go.  Cha-ching. 

I also need sandwich meat and Land O' Lakes cheese, and I happen to find these in two smaller packages of freshly-sliced, from-the-deli turkey and cheese.  Bingo!

I throw in the essentials of toilet paper and paper towels, and soon I'm nearing my limit.  I notice that hamburg is on sale, so I get enough to make my own meatballs ... a big batch.  I get a big slab of hamburg on sale for under $8.  Score!

When I get to the register, I am figuring I've spent $44 maximum, so I am a bit surprised when $47.19 springs up.  I fish around in my pocketbook for some change and hand it over with the bills.  I am a dummy, though.  I was looking at my "before discounts" price.  I actually owe just over $43.  Fabulous!

At home I mix up a large pan of meatballs with seasoning and put them in the oven to cook.  Tonight, after feeling "mehhhh" for days, I am finally hungry, ravenously so, and I'm craving a meatball sub.  At dinner I match my son meatball for meatball then pack up the rest for spaghetti and meatballs tomorrow.  Yup, tomorrow ... after work and after I get my lazy butt to the bank.  I still need toothpaste and straws and a few more things I bumped off my list.

For now, though, the only things I need are a stretchy pajama top and my "fat-pants" bottoms.