Saturday, June 24, 2017


Ah, the joys of the electronic age.

I recently bought a used car.  I drove it off the lot in the evening, went back the following day and was handed all of the completed registration information.  I didn't even have to lift a finger.  I never went to the registry to stand in line for half of my lifetime, and I never even went to my insurance company.  The dealer even slapped on a sticker for me. 

I did nothing except sign a mountain of paperwork and drive.

My birthday is coming up soon.  Guess what year it is in the world of drivers' licenses?  Yup, it's a renewal year.  I started strategizing early: find a AA that has registry services, check the registry parking lot, perhaps block off an entire day to wait in line, make sure I have a good hair day ...

Then, the mail arrives.

Good gawd, the world is a fabulous place.  I can renew my license ONLINE.  This is wonderful news because my last license picture is the best picture I've ever had taken of myself, which is hilarious since I'd been driving around on an expired license for weeks and happened to notice it, so I ran to the registry that exact moment looking like a normal frazzled person.

I can hardly believe how easy this is.  A few clicks and a credit card later, and I'm in business.  Guess what!  My new license will arrive in seven to ten business days!  In the meantime, I've printed out the final page of the RMV transaction, and I'll save the confirmation email on my phone.  You know, juuuuuuuuust in case.

I love the internet almost as much as I despise waiting in line at the RMV.  Thank you, electronic age; you truly are amazing.