Friday, October 30, 2015


Full moon -- That means two things:  1. crazy dreams, and 2. restless sleep.  Yes, there is a difference.

Restless sleep is general agida caused by the moon.  Sometimes my sleep is interrupted by the moon shining so brightly that I awaken during the night thinking I've missed my alarm.  (Nope; just being a dumbass.)  Sometimes I'm so damn tired that I doze at my desk.  I have some days when I try to catnap at stop lights or while sitting on the potty tinkling or while standing at the sink washing dishes.  This condition goes into hyperdrive during full moon phases.  Decent sleep becomes elusive.

As for the crazy dreams, it's like I cannot shut off my brain.  All night my brain plays movies: I'm in the movies; I'm not in the movies; I know people in the dreams; I don't know the people in the dreams; my dreams are scary; my dreams are funny; my dreams have music (and I wake up with major earworms every day).  I always dream in color and I do not understand anyone who claims to dream in black and white.  How is that possible?  The full moon?  Dreams all night long, instantly upon sleep and continuing right up until I awaken.

This is all bad enough on regular days, but it's more pronounced during a full moon.  Thankfully, we're on the waning side of things, even if barely so.  Maybe in a week or so, I'll sleep.