Sunday, October 1, 2017


Finally, the weather changes.

Today is a fleece and sweatshirt and socks and long pants kind of day.  It's chilly and raw and  rainy and absolutely fabulous.  I can't hike today nor kayak today, but I don't care.  I don't care because the house is cool, I sleep great without the air conditioner on, and I'm not sweating my butt off.

In my mind, I know this means summer really is over.  I haven't taken my air conditioners out (obviously -- see previous paragraph), and they won't come out of the windows for a couple more weeks.  And, as much as I love summer, and I really, really do loooooove summer, I am excited for the fall.

Too quick, though.  Fall comes and goes too quickly.  A week or two of peak foliage, then ... poof ... naked trees, early sunsets, and then ... SNOW.

Hey, now, there's nothing with that.  As long as I get my transition time.  It's October, and changes are in the air.