Monday, October 16, 2017


So ... I posted the other day about my credit card getting hacked, and I received a bizarre email response via Google+.  Someone offered to hack into all of my accounts, all of my school grades, all of my students' grades, and all of my emails, etc...  She offered it up like it's a great service!

I'm thinking maybe I wasn't clear about my blog post.  Just to set the soon-to-be-hacked record straight, I didn't enjoy having my credit card invaded.  It was a great discomfort and resembled somewhat of a proverbial proctol exam.

Look, kid, while I appreciate the offer, my personal grades were/are fine, and I'm happy to leave my transcripts intact.  As for my students, they're doing just fine, as well.  I don't need my email hacked nor anyone else's, for that matter.

And, as I mentioned in my original post, I'm POOR. 


I don't own my car nor a house nor any bonds nor mutual funds.  Your best bet at my credit cards is probably Dress Barn, maybe Macy's, and occasionally Kohl's when I get the 30% off coupon.

I just don't get it.  How did I become such a delectable target?  What the hell is wrong with people that they would aim so low on the financial totem pole?  Okay, then.  Hack me up.  When you don't get anything out of it but a used car and some cheap knock-off sports jerseys, you'll figure it out.

In the meantime, though, keep those excellent Google+ comments coming.  They're doing wonders for my ego.