Thursday, October 6, 2016


Today's is Surgery Recovery Day #2. 

I sleep fairly well - four hours uninterrupted - then promptly roll around thinking of all the things I need to get done, mostly paperwork as I am on activity restrictions.  I get up and discover that I am famished.  The only reason I am awake now is probably because my stomach is too loud and woke me up with its complaining.

I still cannot open my mouth very far, so I suck applesauce off a plastic spoon.  This is breakfast.  About halfway through my morning, I rummage around the kitchen in search of edibles that do not require a lot of work. 

I discover a box of extra-toasty Cheezits during my search. 

I discover that, like a slot machine, I can pass a Cheezit through my nearly-clenched teeth, let it melt into mush, and it's kind of like winning the food lottery.  Later on, I slowly but expertly pass the rest of yesterday's stew through my lips using a wide, flat soup spoon.

Fear not, stomach!  The bandages come off tomorrow, and my face, what part of it isn't too swollen, will regain some movement.  Also, my left nostril will be uncovered again, so food will smell like food instead of antiseptic-coated, blood-caked gauze. I'll be like a kid in a candy store -- what to eat first?  Cheese?  Roast beef?  Cookies?  Maybe something to drink that doesn't require a straw.  Huzzah!

Seriously, though, it's nice to be in recovery mode, yes, but it will be wonderful to eat again.