Friday, October 14, 2016


Mini class reunion tonight. The possibility for fun is there (always there ... we were a damn fun high school group), but I have two problems.

My first problem is that I have to wear bandaids on my face.  The incision from the basal cell isn't healed completely yet.  Although I can walk around with my face uncovered here at home, I cannot go out this way.  My make-up tonight will consist of some mascara, a touch of eye shadow, light lipstick, and lots of medical tape. 

It's a unique look.  I'm reasonably certain no one else will be sporting it.

My second problem is that I no longer have a strong memory for names or faces.  I used to know everyone's names.  I went to both junior high schools -- 7th and 8th at East and 9th at West.  By the time I got to high school, I'd met everyone.  EVERYONE. 

Now I look at people and think, "Do I know you?  Are you a spouse of someone?  Am I being rude because I cannot place you?" 

I blame middle age.  Not old age.  I am going to live to 121 years old.  Well, if cancer doesn't get me first, but that's why I'm wearing the bandaids.  Right now it's Me = One, Cancer = Zero.

Party on!