Sunday, March 13, 2016


I have a love/hate relationship with the whole time change thing.

I don't care one way or the other if the government decides to eliminate the whole concept of Daylight Savings Time.  Well, not true entirely because I really do enjoy having an extra hour of daylight.  But, it's annoying having to reset all the clocks around the house several times. 

Around 9:00 p.m., I start changing the clocks over.  Spring ahead, right?  Lose an hour, right?

I have a lot of clocks.  I lose that hour over and over again.

I am reasonably smug in my foresight.  Why should I inconvenience myself in the morning and run all over the place, moving hands, shutting off alarms?  Why should I wake up in the morning, look lazily at my clock, then realize with sheer disappointment that it isn't 8:00 a.m., it's actually 9:00 a.m.?  Yup, I have every clock all set.  Before I even go to bed, I've already given up that hour so I won't miss it in the morning.

Smug, smug, smug.

Except ... Damn.  I forgot the car and the GPS.  When I get into my car, I'm going to lose that hour all over again.  Argh, so aggravating.