Sunday, March 6, 2016


You can blame me.  Yup, I'm cursing us all.  When winter hits with a vengeance, point your fingers at me because I can take it.

Today I intend to move the patio furniture back outside.

Not all of it, mind you.  It's still too windy for the lightweight chairs.  I mean, it is March, after all.  And I might hesitate on the zero-gravity chair since it still looks brand new.  The round metal table, though?  It's time.

So, when it snows a mighty blizzard next week or the week after, when Mother Nature takes a giant white dump all over eastern Massachusetts this spring, I am responsible.  

 I risk the wrath of the season.  I chuckle in the face of storms. I dare to put out my patio furniture. 

Blame me.