Friday, March 11, 2016


Here's what I don't understand.

If any normal person posts a nude picture of him or herself anywhere in Cyberland, and, even worse, if it gets shared and forwarded, that's a crime.  It's called distribution of pornography. 


Don't believe me?  Try it yourself. 

No, really, YOU can try it.  I'm not going to try it.  First of all, no one ever wants to see my aging, post-children, menopausal body.  I mean, not unless we are going to use the images to discourage illegal immigration or something.  "This is what American women really look like!  Run away!!!!!"

So, how is it that when that porno-pig Kim Kardashian posts wide-angled naked pictures of her big bad self ... How is this NOT distribution of pornography?

Not that I'm going to look, since she's shown enough of her never-ending backside from every angle, anyway, so it's not like we all haven't seen it hundreds of times already.  I'm just curious.  You know, like the laws that seem to protect politicians who pull all that illegal shit but never ever seem to get punished for any of it.  Ever.  Never.

Different laws for different classes, I guess.  Hmmmm, maybe I do understand, after all.