Saturday, March 26, 2016


Well, if you're reading this blog, it means one of three things:

1.  You're a follower of the blog and already have it bookmarked for ease;
2.  I am finally able to post the link to Facebook using my new cell phone;
3.  You accidentally ended up here via a Google search.

If all goes well and the airplane hasn't gone haywire, I am in North Carolina today visiting my new granddaughter.  My friend and co-worker Sal has dragged me (hopefully not kicking and screaming, as I am writing this hours before the flight) on to my very first plane ride.  I'm not afraid of flying -- how could I be?  I've never tried it. 

I'm cheap. Seriously cheap.

So, folks, I will do my best to post Saturday and Sunday's blogs.  They're written and in the queue, so whatever happens, happens.  As ELP would say, "Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends..."