Friday, March 4, 2016


Off and on all day Thursday I keep thinking it's Friday.

First, I start packing up my files to bring home and correct over the weekend.  I do this three times over the course of the day, each time catching myself to remind myself that it's not Friday yet.

I post the homework on my website daily, and, when adding the day's entry, I see that I posted Wednesday's work but not Thursday's work.  Oh no!  I panic.  I know there are students and parents who will be mad that I forgot to post ...  Wait.  I didn't forget to post.  It's not Friday; it's only Thursday.  I need to post Thursday's homework today.

A little while later, I remember that I need some work copied for Monday.  Mentally making a checklist, I plan my attack on the copy room and figure out how to get everything done.  I don't want to have to stay late on a Friday afternoon, but ... but ... Wait.  It's not Friday; it's only Thursday.  I have Friday to make copies.

The fact that it is only Thursday and not Friday hits me several more times during the day.  I'm like the aquarium fish who gets surprised every time I swim by the castle.  Castle?  There's a castle in my world?  This is exactly how I feel: It's Thursday?  There's a Thursday in my world?

Despite all the agita Thursday causes me this week, there is a silver lining: I may be writing this blog entry on Thursday, but I'll be posting this blog entry on Friday.  It really is Friday, after all.  I made it!  We all made it.

Off and on today, I will keep reminding myself that it's Friday, for real.