Tuesday, September 29, 2015


My kayak hides under a blanket in the back of my car, waiting for its final paddles of the season. Since I get out of work mid-afternoon, taking a long trip somewhere isn't an option, so I've been concentrating on venues that are close by.

My great plan to kayak the local river ended up shitting the bed completely when the dam broke near the put-in spot, essentially drying up the access point.  Last week would've been great for kayaking except the access road to the pond was shut down.

The weather won't cooperate for much longer.

Today when I leave work, my car tells me the outside temperature is 83.  My instantly sweaty body tells me it's humid out, as well.  The sky is partly cloudy, and some of the cloud cover looks unfriendly, so I sneak out of work the moment the clock strikes time-to-get-the-hell-outta-here o'clock.

When I get to the pond, there are maybe four other cars there, but I see no one.  The drivers of these vehicles are either fishing or walking the trails.  I get set up and put in at the usual spot, paddling for fifteen minutes before I see one lone kayaker.  I am armed only with a crappy, cheapo camera that takes semi-tolerable pictures, but it's better than nothing.

After an hour on the water, I'm ready to pack it in.  I still have to stop at the grocery store before I go home, and my pants are slightly damp around the outer thighs where I splashed water while maneuvering the paddles through various plant life and downed trees along the shoreline. In minutes I have everything ready to go, as easy as it is to set up. 

Hopefully, there will be a few more kayaking days before autumn gets its grip.