Monday, September 21, 2015


It has been one of those weeks.  Well, it has been two of those weeks, actually.  I am surrounded by ineptitude.

So far I have spent hours and hours and hours on school stuff that should've been completed during the school day.  But, no, I have to waste my valuable time playing catch-up and fixing things and rewriting things and taking surveys for people who have no clue what I do all day long.

I get administrative emails instructing me to do important things, who-what-where-when-why type emails, like where to take the kids for a fire drill.  When do these emails arrive to my in box?  Moments before the actual fire drill, while I am on my feet teaching.

"Why didn't you pay attention to the notice I sent?" I am asked. 


"Because WHY?"

Because I AM TEACHING!"  Damnit.  Isn't that what I'm being paid to do?  I could be wrong.  I've been wrong before; I'll probably be wrong again in my lifetime.

I'll tell you what.  I'll leave some paper and some writing implements near the door.  Write a note to someone who cares, fold it up, and eat the sonofabitch because it will get processed a lot faster that way than if you pile one more thing on my plate right now.