Wednesday, February 19, 2014


NEWS FLASH!  It's snowing.

And thank goodness it is because I have almost completely forgotten what snow looks like since it hasn't snowed since Saturday and then, before that, Thursday.  If it weren't snowing out, I might be mistaken into thinking spring is coming since everything is coated with white.

It continues snowing until after dark.  This is not supposed to happen; it is supposed to stop by 5:00 p.m.  It is now closer to 7:00 p.m.  The snow accumulates three or four inches beyond what is anticipated.  Yay.  I can totally feel Mother Nature's love.  I head out to shovel my driveway.  Again.

NEWS FLASH!  There is no place to put the snow anymore.

The pick-up truck that plows my street hasn't actually "plowed" in the last two storms.  I decide the only place to put the snow from my driveway is into the newly and badly formed middle-of-the-street snow bank created by the plow guy who doesn't know how to plow.  Dragging the snow to the other side of the street means cleaning up the road, as well.  One of the other tenants and I start clearing out by pouring our snow onto these snow banks across from the double driveway. 

We are deep into the work and about 30% done when we hear the snowblower start.  I immediately decide if our driveways aren't cleared, I will knock on the landlords' door to beg for mercy.  Before I can make it to their door, the eldest of the landlord's boys appears with the snowblower from behind the tall mounds of glistening white. 

Quickly and methodically I start dumping all the snow from my two cars right where I suspect the young man will be plowing.  Then I jump in the cars (one at a time, obviously), bomb over the snow I've yet to shovel, and move both cars out of the driveway. 

Here!  It's empty!  It's ready!  Come blow snow! 

The job of snowblowing turns out to be very tricky because there is still no place to put the snow and there is a thick layer of ice underneath everything.  Several slips-and-slides later, we are done shoveling and the boy is done with the machine. 

Mother Nature plays a trick on us that the 3-5 inches of snow actually turns into 8-10 inches of snow.  However, I have the last laugh this time, Mother Dearest:  Snow is cleared from my walkway and driveway in less than 2.5 hours this time … more like about 75 minutes. 

NEWS FLASH!  Mother Nature … can bite ME this time.