Thursday, April 11, 2013


I keep thinking all day Wednesday that it is really Thursday.  This sucks almost as much as napping on the couch only to wake hours and hours later and realize that it's time to get up for work.  In other words, this totally blows.

I have to write myself a note:  "Don't forget to go to class this afternoon!"  Seriously.  Every time I remember it's really Wednesday, I experience a little jolt, like my heart is all stopped up in my throat or something.  Like I'm having electro-shock therapy.  With this short attention span, I'm starting to suspect that I might need electro-shock therapy.

I have a calendar stuck to my wall.  I even have a board full of "On this day in history…" factoids with the day's date at the top of the list.  I write the homework on the board every day, even if there is no formal assignment, just to be clear.  Still, I think I'm one day closer to the weekend than I truly am.

It's almost like my brain has been violated.  No wonder it's called Hump Day.

(Happy Thursday, by the way.)